Fourth Annual Birdathon!

Bobolink - photo by Andy Raupp

In 2023 the Great Wisconsin Birdathon teams raised over $122,000! These funds are collected and managed by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin through the Bird Protection Fund. The funds are then used for numerous conservation projects to aid the most threatened and endangered bird species.

We have lost so many of our songbirds to habitat destruction and a myriad of other threats. This year the Bobolink is the Birdathon’s 2024 #BirdOfTheYear. Typically found in grasslands, this species is of special concern in Wisconsin with declining habitat.

As in years past, the Chippewa County Land Conservancy’s Chirp Chasers team is participating in the Birdathon to #BringBirdsBack. The Chirp Chasers are birding throughout the weekend of May 4th hoping to spot as many species as possible. Our goal is at least 125 species.

In our first year we raised $500 and last year we raised a whopping $3,750! And even better, two equally deserving conservation organizations receive these funds to support their missions. The Natural Resources Foundation along with the Chippewa County Land Conservancy split the proceeds. It's a win-win!

The Conservancy is a vital mechanism for protecting habitat for birds. Please consider donating to our team or a team member. Your support matters and no donation is too small. Birds are happiness generators and they need our help! Thank you in advance for your support.

The Chirp Chasers

To make a donation online click here or mail a check to: Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, ATTN: Great Wisconsin Birdathon, 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison, WI 53703 (and include our team's name in the memo line!)


Chirp Chasers Birdathon team surpasses goal


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