Chirp Chasers Birdathon team surpasses goal

The Chirp Chasers divided into two teams for their birding extravaganza in May and had a great weekend of birding despite one team getting lost for a bit on the Krank Preserve!  The 598 acre contiguous forest of the preserve is protected by the Chippewa County Land Conservancy and is a birding hotspot in Wisconsin. It’s wise to have a compass or GPS if you plan to visit!

Some highlights were the many beautiful spring ephemerals in bloom…trout lilies, spring beauties, and hepaticas, as one team tracked a flock of warblers in the very tops of the trees. Spotted were the American Redstart, Golden-winged Warbler and Nashville warbler. In another area, members spotted Eastern Meadowlarks, Bobolinks, a pair of Black-billed Cuckoos and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Another highpoint was observing the secretive American Bittern giving its “ka chunk” call as it emerged from the depths of a wetland. A rare sight indeed!

Over the course of the Birdathon, the team exceeded its goals and tallied up 129 birds and raised $2300. Half of the proceeds will assist the Conservancy’s continuing efforts in land protection, including habitat for of native birds. Thank you to everyone who has rallied behind the Chirp Chasers over the years!


Fourth Annual Birdathon!