The Birdathon is Back, and the Chirp Chasers Beckon Us All to Join the Fun!

Eastern Meadowlark gathers grasses for nest

Eastern Meadowlark gathers grass for nesting

Birdathon Dates: Sunday, May 15 - Saturday, May 21

JOIN the team or DONATE

The Birdathon returns in 2022, and our own Chirp Chasers team will again be on the hot pursuit, hoping to increase their species number and dollars raised for bird conservation in Wisconsin.

This year, the Chirp Chasers have chosen to expand the count window from one day to 7 to accommodate more people’s schedules, more weather vagaries, and just more times to search in more places. The dates for 2022 have been expanded to Sunday, May 15, through Saturday, May 22. Please mark your calendar and plan to set aside a day or more to get outside and see what birds you can spot.

Whether you “bird” with a group or alone, whether for a day or a few hours or out the window each time you do dishes, you can contribute to the count.

This is not exactly a scientific pursuit, but the list gives us an idea of which birds return each spring to our area. And, it offers so much more:

Top 10 Reasons To Participate

  1. Contribute to a species list of the birds returning to our area this year

  2. Raise funds for bird conservation in Wisconsin

  3. Support the land conservation work of the Chippewa County Land Conservancy, which benefits all birds and wildlife

  4. Dust off your bird identification skills after a year of other diversions

  5. Challenge yourself to find a new species

  6. Nudge yourself to get outside before the fleeting season passes by

  7. Remind yourself about the beautiful experiences you have in nature

  8. Give yourself a break from the relentless tragedy unfolding abroad

  9. Reconnect with your bird-watching friends

  10. Relax, listen and watch, and have fun!

We encourage you to sign up with the Chirp Chasers team, which helps us achieve our species list and assures that a portion of your contribution is used locally. Click here to go to our webpage and then click on the JOIN button.

If you don’t know a bird call from a dog whistle but want to support the conservation of wildland that provides habitat for birds and their friends, click here) and click the DONATE button to support our team.

All contributions are collected by the organizing partner, the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, and later distributed to us and other projects around the state. You can easily contribute online or send a check if you prefer.


Go Back In Time and Experience Otter Lake Esker, Sunday, April 24


Hicks Wildlife & Nature Preserve