Go Back In Time and Experience Otter Lake Esker, Sunday, April 24

Walk-And-Talk with UWEC’s Doug Faulkner

Date: Sunday, April 24, 2 p.m.

Otter Lake Esker Preserve, Stanley WI

Experience and learn about the Otter Lake Esker at this walk-and-talk with Doug Faulkner, Associate Professor of Geography and Anthropology at UW-Eau Claire, on Sunday afternoon, April 24, at 2 p.m. 

This outing is hosted by the Conservancy and organized by the Chippewa Valley Sierra Club.

The parking area conceals the dramatic landscape that awaits on the trail into the property, and this is a great time of year to see the dramatic landscape and visualize the explosive event that carved it during the waning days of the glacier. The round-trip walk is 1 mile.

The 13-acre Otter Lake Esker Preserve is owned by the Chippewa County Land Conservancy, which protects unique properties in Chippewa County. Ultimately it will showcase the esker as a stop along the 1200 mile Ice Age National Scenic Trail.

You'll really get a feel for how the massive ice sheet impacted the area on this walk with our guide to help us visualize how it all came to be. 

The Preserve address is 14233 - 360th St, Stanley, WI.  

Directions: Follow County Hwy H north from Maple Street in Stanley for 6 miles until it curves to the east. Immediately turn left onto 365th St, (there is a tavern on 365th St.), and then at the stop sign turn left onto 140th Ave. Follow 140th Ave ½ mi to the corner, and around the corner onto 360th St about ¼ mile, and the preserve parking lot is on the right. 

If you plan to attend, please RSVP online so we can contact you in case there is a change. (Because this is a Sierra Club co-sponsored event, Sierra asks you to sign a liability waiver.)

For further information contact Richard Smith: rbsmith@chippewaconservancy.org or 715-933-0252. 

Photo courtesy Joe Knight


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